I found this location a few years ago, and every single time I showed it to one of my couples as an option for their location, they always chose a different spot–until Sal and Kelsie came along!! They wanted green and mountains and it needed to be in May. They said that they trusted me in choosing their location as long as it fits that criteria. When I showed them this spot, they were so down for it, and it ended up being the perfect spot for their Utah mountain engagements.
It’s actually harder than you would think to find a mountain location in May that is green. Most canyons in the area still have snow melting, and this year, we had no idea how far behind everything was going to be. Winter lasted so long, and it snowed so much! Normally, there are a few spots that are green in May, but honestly, when we were planning their engagements, I had no idea if all of the snow would be gone or not. As it got closer, I ran over to this spot to make sure it was green, and when I saw just how green it was, I was so giddy!!!
These two had just flown in from a trip to Florida, and they had been up since really early that morning. You honestly would never know! She said that they even found her dress while they were in Florida, and I love how their neutral outfits really contrast against the green mountains and the blue sky. They were so sweet and giggly the entire shoot, which made taking their Utah mountain engagements so easy.
Sal and Kelsie are getting married now in just under a month, and their wedding is going to be a party!!

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