I looooove any session in the colorful fall leaves, regardless of whether it is engagements or formals. Provo completely LIGHTS up during the fall time, and I seriously try and shoot every single day in the leaves. They last in the canyons for a solid week, and then a few spots last maybe two weeks. Down in the valley, the leaves turn to fun colors a little bit after the canyon, and it also only lasts about a week. It’s different each year, though, depending on the weather, so it is actually somewhat difficult to plan sessions in advance. These two got engaged right when the leaves started turning in the canyon, and by the time we took their engagements, there wasn’t a ton of leaves left in the valley. Thankfully this park is one of my favorite places to shoot, and it’s right in Provo. It’s the cutest park, and it is also usually pretty empty, too! It’s a little slice of heaven.
Lindsey and I grew up together in Idaho, and she is basically a sister to me. It was so fun to shoot their engagements, and it also was pretty surreal! How is she old enough to be getting married?!?
I LOVED the outfits that Lindsey and Marc chose for their engagements. I thought that both outfit choices complemented the leaves so well. Lindsey’s cream dress against the leaves and with her skin and hair was so pretty. Then the pop of red with the colorful leaves, too!!! Like, how do you decide which one you like more?!? Because I cannot.
These two are just so perfect for each other. I also photographed their wedding in the Idaho Falls Temple, so if you want to see more of that, just click here.