Liz and I go back quite a few years! We grew up not too far from each other, and she was a cousin to one of my best friends. While I was in high school, Liz transferred to my high school. We were always good friends, and then our senior year, we even shared a locker with each other. Liz has just about the purest heart and soul of anyone I have ever met, too. She’s the kind of person that you meet and can’t help but just love with your whole heart.
After high school, we kept in touch via social media, but honestly, it was hard to keep up with Liz! It seemed like every few months, she was living in a new place! But I got a text from her asking if I was available to shoot a wedding in February. She told me she had met a boy and they were going to get married. Then, in February, I got another text from her asking what I was doing the day after Thanksgiving and asked if I could come to Birmingham and shoot her wedding. I literally wouldn’t miss Liz’s wedding for the world.
Liz explained to me that she and Dylan had originally planned to be married in Georgia in February, but when she got to wedding planning, she realized that she did not like that part. She just wanted to be married. Thankfully, her family was planning to come visit her during Thanksgiving and she had her dress, so it actually worked out for them to elope just a few short weeks later. Don’t quote me on this, but in Alabama, only an official can marry you at the courthouse, so when they got their marriage license, they also actually got married, too! So by the time I got to Alabama, they were actually getting sealed.
Their Birmingham temple wedding was so beautiful. The weather was so perfect! There was a park just a few minutes away from the temple that they had found and we used for their photos. The fall leaves were still on a few trees, so we definitely took advantage of that! Their sealing wasn’t until after dark so we got all of the photos done beforehand, and then they also had a family dinner before their sealing, too. Overall, it was such a calm and wonderful day, just how Liz wanted it to be.
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