Sundance Surprise Proposal, Provo, Utah.
I heard from Bryson at the beginning of November, and he was looking for a photographer to do his surprise proposal up in Sundance. Actually he really wanted to just do the Alpine Loop. He found me when he googled Alpine Loop Proposal, and he stumbled upon my blog post of Cam and Chloe’s proposal. We hopped on the phone, and he filled me in on his plan. The day that he was planning the proposal was a day that I was already booked. I asked Bryson if the date was at all flexible, and he said that it wasn’t. He had to do it that day because he had a bunch of her family and friends flying in. I had to be in Moab that evening, so we had a small window of time that we could do it that morning. We decided to run with it.
Bryson and I met up at Sundance a few weeks beforehand, and I showed him a few spots up there that we could do. We both agreed that this spot up at Aspen Grove was the best spot for a few reasons. It would be more intimate than the resort, and there were more places for people to hide.
Bryson and Reagan are both from Illinois. Bryson is living in Utah, and Reagan is still in Illinois, but she was visiting Utah. Bryson coordinated with 26 of Reagan’s closest family and friends to fly in and be there when he proposed. Reagan had NO IDEA that any of this was happening. I met everyone up there 40 minutes before they were supposed to arrive and helped show everyone where to hide. It was so funny to me because everyone was hidden so well in the trees!!! Every minute or two, someone would look at Bryson and Reagan’s location and yell “5 minutes!!! 5 minutes!!!” or however long before they would arrive. I hung out in the meadow and pretended to be taking pictures of the mountains. Bryson walked up to me and asked if I would take their picture for them, and Reagan handed me her phone. I said, “I actually can just take it on my camera and send it to your phone!” So, that’s what I did. The plan was for Bryson to get down on one knee then, but as soon as I was done taking the photo, Reagan started walking towards me to get her phone. I thought, “Okkkk I gotta think of something real quick.” So I asked their friends if they all wanted to take a photo, then I asked Bryson and Reagan if they actually wanted to step back a little bit and redo the photo of the two of them where the snow didn’t have so many prints in it.
They agreed to do that, and that’s when Bryson whipped out the ring and got down on one knee. SHE WAS SO SURPRISED! It was so cute! Then about 15 seconds later, screams erupted from the trees. Reagan turned to see her friends and family all running out of the trees, and she was surprised all over again. IT WAS SO FREAKING CUTE!!! Everyone ran over and surrounded them while Bryson proposed, Reagan said yes, and then they all celebrated together. Even I was crying. It was seriously so awesome. I could not have expected it to be any better.

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