The week came for their formals, and the weather was soooooo bad. We were marco polo-ing and trying to decide what to do, when I mentioned that they could come to Moab and do their formals there. I was already going to be in Moab, and I really didn’t think that they would be able to make it work BUT THEY DID!!!
They came to Moab, and as Preston got out of the car, he joked about how they had to come to Moab to take their photos because it was the only part of Utah not raining. As they changed into their clothes, dark clouds rolled in, and literally the moment we started taking photos, IT STARTED HAILING. I am not even kidding. In less than a minute, it was a straight downpour. We ran to cover, huddled up, and said a quick prayer that the rain and hail would go away. Within minutes, it stopped raining! We were able to get the photos that we needed, and as we were taking the last photos, the rain started back up again. It was a literal miracle.