Lindsey and I go wayyyy back. Like all the way back to when I was five and she was two or something like that. Her family moved into my neighborhood, and before we knew it, our families were best friends. We did just about everything together, and then when I was in 8th grade, my family moved right across the street from Lindsey’s family. We started doing things pretty much all the time, and we have literally the best memories growing up. Her parents even cut out a hole in the bushes so that we could run straight across the road to their house instead of around the bushes!
Lindsey and her sisters were my very first models that I ever had when I was just starting out, and if you want to really where how far I’ve come, just head over to this blog post to check it out. I even won a photo contest for eastern idaho with a photo of Lindsey! I have come a long ways since then!!! Now, we both live in the Provo area, so we get to continue hanging out, and it’s my favorite. She texted me a few weeks ago and said that she needed some updated headshots. We decided to have her come to my apartment and use my seamless paper to go for a neutral look with my window light.
My setup for these in-home studio portraits is probably not what you are thinking it is! I only have carpet in my apartment, and you can sit or stand on paper on top of carpet or else it will wrinkle and rip! I have a big board that I used under the paper for Lindsey to sit on, then we just have her facing the window to get the pretty light on her. I even made this reel to show you a little more of my set up.
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