Allen and Jessie are so awesome. For their engagements, we tried really hard to find a spot that didn’t have snow! She told me that Allen really doesn’t like snow, so we tried to avoid it. We figured for their formals, we would be shooting in the snowy mountains, too, so that was another reason we didn’t want snow. We decided to shoot their engagements at Tunnel Springs Park, and literally as I drove there, IT STARTED SNOWING! It was a blizzard!! Their engagements ended up being so snowy!!! Hahahaha!
For their formals, we actually decided last minute that we didn’t want to fight the crowds in the mountains, and they decided they didn’t want snow, either. Jessie thought it would be cool to do their photos in a library, but because of COVID, that wasn’t going to happen. I showed them the Great Saltair, and they loved how simple it was! And it didn’t have snow! That’s what we went with! I love the unique architecture that comes with the Saltair, as well as the beach part of it, too! You get a very simple and clean location that looks both urban and ourdoors. It’s also usually great all year long, just as long as you avoid the water in the summer. The Great Saltair was so perfect for Allen and Jessie’s formal session.
It sure was cold, though!! I know it looks like it was so warm, but it was not hahaha! We took these at the beginning of January!! It was also crazy how many people were at the saltair while we were there. Like people were out in their lawn chairs having a picnic all bundled up in their coats!! Hahaha but thankfully, it’s pretty easy to edit those people out!