I still remember the first time I was ever at Dead Horse Point State Park. I was about to turn 20 years old, and my parents took my family to Moab for our family reunion. We did everything there, including going to Dead Horse Point State Park. I remember that it was so hot! I was just starting out in my journey as a photographer, so at the time, I definitely had my camera (on auto settings hahaha) and was taking pictures of everything. I honestly remember that it was cool, but I was more concerned about taking photos! We also took our family photo there hahaha and it was SO FUNNY! Literally mid-day and the place was crawling with people.
Fast forward to now, I still am in awe of Dead Horse Point, and I still am super interested in taking photos there, BUT I appreciate it’s beauty so much more. Going back with my couples leaves me in complete awe every single time. I appreciate everything about it, which is such a contrast to my first time there. I am not only concerned about photographing it, but I truly try and take in every little bit that I am there.
Nate and Ashlyn sure hold my heart. Ashlyn is a photographer herself, so it’s literally the biggest compliment in my entire life that she hired me. Seriously, I know how stressful it is to hand your wedding photos over to someone else! I am so glad she did, though, because I loved every second of getting to be with them. Those two are such adventurers, and I love them to death. I love how much they love each other!
When we got to Dead Horse Point for their formals, the clouds had JUST rolled in, so we had cloud coverage the entire time! Literally that happens to me all the time, so I consider myself the luckiest person around. I laugh so hard everytime that I have a shoot or a wedding and clouds come out of NOWHERE, which makes my job so easy!