Sara and Ernan came all the way from California to do their engagements at the Salt Flats, and they turned out so classy. They wanted a more formal look, and they sure nailed it. His black suit and her pink dress were so perfect for the Salt Flats. Then at the end of the night when the sun went down, the most magical sunset came out, and her dress matched it perfectly. The colors were behind them, so they didn’t even realize how beautiful the sunset was until I told them to turn around and take a look. They both were stunned. It was awesome.
The Salt Flats can be such a gamble in the fall and winter. I have said this before, and I will say it again–the Salt Flats can be so incredibly bitter cold that it is no fun at all. You think you know cold, but you don’t know Salt Flats cold with lots of wind. It’s insane. I have shot at the Salt Flats quite a bit, and no matter what time of year it is, about seventy five percent of the time, it is so windy. It’s either hot and windy or cold and windy–but like, windy windy. I always just work with it, and it can be a bit crazy, but it’s something the be aware of. For us to have shot these classy engagements at the Salt Flats at the end of October, we were really gambling with whether or not they would be cold. When we showed up and it was actually not very cold AND there was no wind, I could not believe it. That almost never happens, and it could not have been a more perfect night out there.
Now, enjoy these photos because I sure enjoyed taking them!

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